About Governor French Academy in Belleville, IL
Governor French Academy in Belleville, IL operates toward a simple goal and under a simple premise. The goal is the preparation of every student for college or college-level education. The premise is that such an education is best achieved by diagnosing what each student needs to achieve the goal and then adjusting that education as much as possible to the individual’s strengths and weaknesses. It is recognized that there are limits to such individualization, but without it, little of importance can be achieved among the highly individualized people that are American students.
Mission and Philosophy
Our mission at Governor French Academy is to prepare all of our students from the earliest levels of schooling for college or college-level education, career, and life.
Faculty and Staff
Kim Powers — Head of School kpowers@governorfrench.org
Anne Duncan — Records and Admissions aduncan@governorfrench.org – Board Vice President